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“Marketing is telling the world that you are a rock star, content marketing is showing the world that you are one.”

Robert Rose

Are you aware of the phrase, “Content is king”? Well, content indeed is!

Your content speaks for your brand and your content should be top-notch to stand out from the crowd. We are all aware of these two words content and marketing individually, but we still have to understand what content marketing together means? How is it helpful for your business growth? What are the benefits of content marketing that we can get?

To help you better understand the importance of content marketing, we’ve put together a list of things that we’ll discuss further in the blog.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract new audiences and keep the current audiences stay connected with us. Content marketing has gone from an exciting new marketing concept to an essential marketing powerhouse for pretty much every business. Content marketing is a go-to tactic that’s proven to work. 

Content marketing is at the heart of most successful digital marketing campaigns. The consistent use of content marketing establishes and nurtures relationships with your prospective and existing customers.

Importance of Content Marketing

  • Content builds the reputation of your business online and viewers love to see good engaging content. 
  • It can be in any form such as blog posts, videos, infographics, presentations, and social media posts. 
  • Offering the right content, that is useful to the user will also begin to build brand trust and this is the end result that everyone expects.

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of content marketing.

Great Content Helps Influence Conversions

Content marketing is known for providing a conversion rate 6 times higher than other digital marketing platforms. Content marketing provides a great ROI and significantly increases conversions, according to 72% of businesses surveyed. What else will a business require than gaining a rapid increase in conversions? Sounds intriguing right? Get all the required help from our Marketing Experts at MagicClickz.

It’s way less time-consuming than traditional marketing

Banner ads can be a good way to showcase your brand but isn’t it too old to use that marketing strategy. Content marketing is something you can do without any cost invested and through this way of marketing you have a higher chance of gaining potential customers. Content marketing enables you to build customer relationships by putting your brand in front of your customers in a way that helps them.

Content marketing amplifies your brand awareness

One of the greatest benefits that really shows the importance of content marketing is the reputation-building qualities of great content. Content marketing is one of the keys to creating awareness about your brand. It can boost your brand in no time, content marketing has the potential of taking your brand from 0 to lacs.

Through content marketing, many of those people will go on to become your customers over time or tell a friend about your website and turn their friend into a customer. It will double your customers in no time. Our Marketing Strategists can help you grow your brand in the way you want.

Creating great content is a cost-effective way to bring in new leads

For those who are still wondering why is content marketing important, take a look at all of the ways that content can help your business bring in new leads. Content marketing is known to be a cost-effective way of marketing as compared to other ways of marketing. Firstly it is providing you with more potential customers. Secondly, at a lower cost. The affordability of content marketing makes it a necessary tactic for small businesses that want to maximize their budget and we can say that when it comes to creating quality content, a little can go a long way.

Content marketing grows your social media following

Every customer who has an interest in your content will expect more quality content from your side even on different platforms including social media. Many of these readers will follow you on Facebook or Twitter so they can stay up to date on future articles that you write. Even users will also share your articles with their friends and family on social media, which helps to exponentially grow your following over time.

Types of Content Marketing

There are a variety of content marketing types that marketers can choose from.


Promoting your content through logs is an attractive way of promoting our content. Blog posts improve SEO and can be a low-cost way to boost organic traffic.


Videos are also a versatile medium for promoting your content as it engages a large audience. According to research, 54% of audiences want to see videos from brands they support.


An E-book is nothing but a longer version of the blog. They’re not a novel, they’re not a multiple-page ad for your business. Instead, they’re a way to give potential clients valuable information.


Memes are a relatively new type of content marketing, but they work extremely well. Engaging the new generation is way too easy, memes require digging into the current social climate and seeing where your company fits.


Infographics are visual ways to present ideas. They can function as standalone pieces of content that can be shared on social media platforms. Infographics are so fun and can wake up a marketing strategy with eye-catching content.


When it comes to content marketing, Podcasting is becoming an increasingly effective form of content marketing and brand building.  It helps you build relationships with your potential customers by connecting with them on a more personal level.


With all these benefits of content marketing, it’s easy to see why is content marketing important for businesses of all sizes but it isn’t easy to do content, seek help from our Marketing Consultants if you really want to see the importance of content marketing in action, it’s time to get started.

Sounds interesting right? Ready to get started? Get in touch with our strategists to discuss your content marketing plan.

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