How Pay Per Click Works And What Exactly Is PPC (Pay Per Click)?

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Introduction: Pay per click (PPC) is a marketing strategy that allows businesses to bid on keywords so that their ads will appear on the search engine results pages (SERPs) when people search for those keywords. In this article, we will discuss how PPC works and what you can do to get the most out of your campaign. PPC (pay per click) is a marketing strategy employed by companies to generate leads and sales from online advertising. In essence, Google Ads services allow businesses to pay internet users when they click on a web ad or visit a website that has been advertised. The more times a user clicks on the ad, the more money the advertiser will pay.

Keyword Research and Analysis

When it comes to online advertising, one of the most important tools an advertiser can use is keyword research. Keyword research is the process of identifying the best keywords to target your ad campaign. This can be done through a variety of methods like Moz Keyword Explorer, Semrush, Soovle, Google Keyword Planer etc.

When you run a PPC campaign, you are essentially paying Google or another search engine company to place your ad with people who are specifically looking for the services that you have chosen. The more specific your keywords are, the more likely your ad will be shown to potential customers. One thing to keep in mind when running a PPC campaign is that it can be expensive. 

Choose a Campaign Structure

  • Choose the type of campaign structure that will best suit your needs. 
  • Decide how much money you want to invest in your campaign. 
  • Choose the target audience for your campaign. 

There are two main PPC campaign structures: cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-action (CPA). CPC campaigns involve paying each time an ad is clicked on; CPC campaigns are most commonly used for ads with low costs per conversion. CPA campaigns involve charging advertisers for each action taken by visitors to their websites; CPA campaigns are best used for high-cost conversions.

Choosing the Right Ad Placement and Duration

Choosing the right ad placement and duration is essential for success with PPC. If you place your ads in the wrong places or run them for too long, you’ll likely lose revenue and be discouraged from continuing with this type of advertising. However, if you place your ads in the right places and limit their duration, you can generate a lot of traffic while still spending relatively little on advertising costs.

Optimizing Your Landing Page

There are two main ways to optimize your landing page for PPC: by creating effective calls to action and by using effective copywriting.

Effective calls to action help potential customers know what they need to do next in order to receive your offer. For example, if you are selling a product online, include clear instructions on how customers can purchase the product. If you are offering a service, make sure that your CTA provides specific information about how customers can sign up for your service. 


As you can see, there are many things to consider when running a successful PPC campaign and for that, you need a result-driven Digital Marketing Agency that would help your business to increase your sales and ROI.

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