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“It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic”

– Jeff Elsenberg

Today, in this blog we will see that if you own a salon business and find it difficult to reach your target audience through traditional marketing ways. Google Ads is here in your rescue to promote your business and we all know how capable it is of bringing a good number of customers to your doorstep.

We are all aware about the fact, now-a-days internet is accessible to anyone and everyone and we all know that the number of people going online for finding what they need is something which is next level. So don’t you think that salon business should also enjoy some of its perks?

Let us now see how exactly Google Ads is helping salon business and is it really worth investing in it?

We are well aware of the fact that Google is the primary source of any information and making your business online and able to make it reach to its potential customers is very helpful for the growth of your business. Salon businesses have a very low reach or we can say they just target their particular area and are unable to reach different locations because of the no proper marketing strategy of the business. Google Ads is making it way easy for the business to achieve heights

  • Providing you the liberty of creating awareness about your brand which is really important if we are focusing on the marketing for the business.
  • Allowing you to reach only those potential customers who really are interested and are willing to opt for the salon services.
  • You have the advantage of targeting the locations where you want to show the ads and within the given locations your ads will be served, basically no wastage of much cost by targeting a large number of locations.
  • Customer is the king, we all know that but here for fixing a budget or providing a budget to your AdWords account is in your hands so you are the king here, you have the full liberty to decide the budget for your Google Ads Marketing.

If we ask, is it really worth investing in Google Ads for Salon Business?

The simple answer is YES. It is worth investing in Google Ads, 

We all know Google is the most popular and the most used search engine and we can say that Google offers unlimited opportunities to the marketers who are willing to increase their sales through Google. Google is giving you the opportunity to bring your brand into consideration and increase its value.

What else do we need? We are getting all the possible outcomes through Google Ads which earlier weren’t possible due to traditional ways of marketing. It is always better to hire a professional Google Ads Expert to work for your ultimate goal.


Increase your brand awareness:

We have discussed this above in the blog that Google Ads helps you increase awareness of your brand. It is discovered that search ads lift awareness of the business by an average of 6%.

Measure your performance through Google Ads

It becomes way too easy to measure your performance or growth of your business which was not possible in traditional ways of marketing, here this is not the case you can decide your spend, and every possible thing through which you can make sure that this is the best way of marketing your salon business.

Observing your competitors tactics

We have a lot of competition in every market and it is very important to cope-up with the new trends and keep an eye on your competitors, how exactly they are marketing their business and how we can make our strategies better than them in every aspect. For this work to be done effectively we should seek the help of Google Ads Strategists

Helping you track traffic on your website through Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps you track all the traffic on your website on location, device, gender, and track all the possible leads from the website to ensure effective and efficient results. Which is again great for your salon business.

Let me now take you through one of our success stories of a salon

The Goal

  • Bringing relevant traffic to their website and providing them retaining customers
  • Increasing their sales and reducing their cost of spending on the advertisement
  • Show potential clients how and why they were better than other salons and encourage pop by

Our Strategies

  • Creating pay per click campaigns for the salon with a low budget and focused more on generating the revenue from the budget allotted.
  • Added a click to call option because it makes easy for the clients who want the direct interaction and who are ready to book an appointment right there within seconds.
  • We worked on creating search ads with quality content and getting featured on top of the Google search results.

The Results

The results we achieved were tremendous

It increased the reach of the salon along with increase in daily phone calls 

The salon also gained a huge number of retaining customers and also helped them in creating the client base and generate repeat visits

A huge jump in numbers 

1500+ Site Visitors Per Month

400% Increase in booking

59% decrease in cost per lead

View our whole success story and find more interesting success stories which might change your mind

Also view our other success stories

Reach out to our marketing experts to scale up your salon business!

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