Google Now Allows Users to Send Emails in Bulk

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In July 2022, Gmail, the email client operated by Google, introduced multi-send functionality, enabling users to send mass emails efficiently. Building upon this advancement, a few months later, Google announced the inclusion of mail merge tags, which streamline the process of sending bulk emails with personalized parameters such as @firstname, @lastname, @email, and @fullname

Earlier this month, Google unveiled a range of fresh features to enhance its application suite. Among these exciting updates is the integration of Gmail’s mail merge with Sheets, which is now being rolled out. This integration empowers users to extract extensive data directly from a spreadsheet effortlessly.

Image Source: Google
Why is it important?

Mail merge enables the sending of highly personalized and engaging emails to vast audiences through web Gmail.

How does mail merge work?

Mail merge is a feature that enables you to send personalized messages to multiple recipients using Gmail. With mail merge activated, each recipient receives a distinct copy of the message.

When recipients open the message, they are unable to view the list of other individuals who received the same message. In the event that someone responds, their replies are organized into separate threads, simplifying conversation management.

For situations involving a considerable number of recipients, it is possible to integrate a spreadsheet containing their contact information. This spreadsheet can also include unique details for each recipient, allowing for a higher level of personalization in your messages.

Eligibility for mail merge:

You can utilize mail merge on your computer by using the following Google Workspace editions:

  • Workspace Individual
  • Business Standard
  • Business Plus
  • Enterprise Starter
  • Enterprise Standard
  • Enterprise Plus
  • Education Standard
  • Education Plus

If you are unable to locate the mail merge feature within Gmail, contact your Google Workspace Administrator.

In the upcoming weeks, eligible users subscribed to the Business Standard and Business Plus plans will notice a default activation of mail merge for external recipients. Furthermore, this integration with Sheets will be introduced to enhance their experience.

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