Google Ads Update Alert: Store Sales Reporting And Bidding Are Now Available Across Performance Max Campaigns

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The introduction of Store sales reporting and bidding in Google Ads Performance Max campaigns empowers advertisers with the necessary tools to accurately gauge total sales regardless of the customer’s preferred shopping channel. This enables them to optimize their bids specifically for in-store revenue.

Today, customers engage in shopping activities through various channels such as the web, apps, and physical stores. They have come to expect a consistent and seamless experience across all these channels. 

Businesses recognize the importance of catering to these omnichannel shoppers, as they tend to make 2.9 times more purchases and spend 2.3 times more compared to those who stick to a single channel. To build a strong omnichannel marketing strategy, it is crucial to effectively measure the impact of marketing efforts across online and offline touchpoints.

Store sales is an innovative solution for measuring the effectiveness of online-to-offline advertisements. It operates by utilizing your sales data in a privacy-safe manner, allowing you to understand the true value your Google Ads contribute to in-store purchases. 

By uploading and matching transaction data from your business, you gain valuable insights into how your advertisements directly translate into offline sales.

Google has recently enhanced the Store sales capabilities to support advertisers who are utilizing Performance Max campaigns with store goals, and omnichannel bidding goals, and those who are using a Google Merchant Center feed with omnichannel bidding goals. 

These enhanced capabilities for Store sales introduce various reporting and optimization features for your Performance Max campaigns, including:

  • Smart bidding capabilities that optimize your Google ads specifically for store sales conversions.
  • Comprehensive measurement that incorporates both online and offline conversions, enabling you to calculate return on ad spend (ROAS) accurately.
  • Consistent reporting methodology across Store Visits and Store Sales, allowing advertisers to gain valuable insights into the campaign’s store visit-to-purchase rate.

With these advancements, advertisers can leverage the full potential of Performance Max campaigns to drive store sales, while benefiting from improved reporting accuracy and optimization options.

Selecting Store sales bidding in Performance Max for store goals

Image Source: Google

Selecting Store sales bidding in Performance Max with omnichannel goals

Beta customers who started using Google’s store sales saw a substantial Omnichannel lift in their sales volume and ROAS.

Struggling to come up with the new Google Ads updates and changes in the campaigns? Let our expert team lend a hand and witness firsthand our strategic and innovative approach. Drop us a note today for a transformative marketing experience!

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