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Google is the most effective platform for advertising your business as its reach is pretty vast. Google itself has given so much to the people and a lot of people now are achieving great  heights with the help of google ads. Today, in this blog we will learn how google ads is helping dentists to grow their business and earn more with google ads.

Choosing the right campaign type for your business 

Before going further with other strategies, we should have clear image of what we want for our business and for that the selection of right campaign type is very important and the moto behind the selection of the campaign should be clear enough, like whether you want to opt for maximizing the conversions, increase your brand awareness and increase the traffic on the website for better sales opportunities. This will be the very 1st strategy that will help you in the growth of your dentist business.

Targeting the right keywords

When someone’s decides to promote their business on google ads they should be well aware of the fact targeting the right keywords for your business is very important because on that basis only whenever someone will search for your business, they should  yours, for this the selection of the right keywords with more search volume should be taken in the account for its better performance. For this you should seek the help of a Google Ads Expert as they are more experienced and they do know what type of keywords would help your business.

Strategizing your bid adjustments

The 3rd and the most important point to be taken care of is bid adjustments in your google AdWords account, It is important because you can target the most important keywords, you can also the increase the bids for the nearby locations or the locations from which are getting maximum number of conversions, also ad scheduling according to your experience which will help you in increasing the bids for the days you think are better for you business and reducing the bids of the days which you think are not as great as other days. These are some of the ways through which you can grow your business with the planned budget but again here i would suggest you to take the help of a Google Ads Strategist to make your work easy.

Using Google Ads Extensions 

Google ads extensions are indeed a boon for the overall google ads. Extensions are the extra important details along with ads to enhance its overall look and for the extra information about the business such as call details of the business, we can also add all the type of services we are providing, or we can add URL of all the landing pages available on the website as sitelinks extensions.

Informative Landing Page

It is important to have an optimized landing page. Also the landing page should have all the information there on the website about the working hours, the appointment process should be made easy going and smooth for the customer who is going to book a slot.

Let me now take you to a success story of our own company how we helped dentistry to grow their business

Our Goal

Helping them gain a better foothold in the dental care industry and establishing Insight Dental And Implants as a credible and expert brand for dental services in OK.

To drive qualified leads through a well-strategized PPC campaign which will also increase traffic to the websites, which in turn will boost conversions.

Their patients were unable to reach out to them through the website to book appointments or access the information regarding their treatment and services.

Our Strategy

We focused on getting the natural and paid search channels working together and ensuring that Google AdWords was able to perform optimally in a competitive market.

Understanding the online audience’s behavior and search pattern and working for the dentistry accordingly

Our Google Ads Strategists also came up with the idea of targeting the most effective locations based on the search pattern and inquires

The Result we achieved are tremendous

There was a 95% rise in appointment bookings through their website after the campaign was successfully executed.

There was also a whopping 82% rise in the revenue as more and more leads were driven through paid advertisements.

Insight Dental And Implants Received 250 OPDs in a month.

9.7x return on ad spend

850% rise in revenue

CPA reduced by 80.1%

Check our full success story

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